Wednesday 6 July 2011

What is Cloud Computing ?

                           Hi, I am Ishaan, in this blog i am going to discuss about the latest technology which is accepted by every Global IT Companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple etc. These all companies are now developed there cloud or going to develop soon. These are the main industries which are going to use cloud technology as there own way to provide there service to user securely and in real time manner.
                                                                 Now come to the point, Cloud Computing refers to the use and access of resources available on the digital network you are connected with like WWW(world wide web) or say internet. we know that there are many type of server on the internet providing different type of services to us like e-mail. Here we are talking about resources which are stored on remote servers on the internet and these servers are also interconnected to each other. These server can have different type of resources or application or service to provide his user with privacy of his data.
                                                                 A common user can access application from cloud using his desktop computer, laptop, smart phone, netbook and other devices. In cloud computing Application is managed by cloud server and not installed on client device and data is also stored on remote server. In simple words client or user do not download and install application on its device. All type of maintains of application resources and execution is handle by Client Browser.

Introduction to Cloud
                                     In past when computer are not common as now, In those it is not easy to install application on your computer like now days. Firstly we have to purchase a copy of software and get license from vendor to install application on your computer. After that technology grows and new operating systems come with functionality to share the resources and application as well as data on the network. If you have some knowledge of traditional and present used approach for LAN, WAN like networks. You also have some knowledge  about Client-Server approach which they use for sharing resources over a network in this a powerful computer(having good hardware) is installed suited server operating system placed on the network called as server computer and has the capability to host a application on it and let all the client connected to him to access his application. These type of server provide many service like data storage, printer, application etc. This have many benefits over traditional computing like word processing,  sharing of data storage, other devices on the network which save money.
                                        Now here is the twist in the story there are some drawbacks of Client-Server approach which causes to cloud computing  to come into existence. 

Drawbacks of Client-Server model 
  • ·         Installing application on client side require multiple license to be purchased.  
  •             To use several services you need a separate application client to be installed which need money     and disk space
Now how cloud computing is different from that ? 

Cloud Computing client side computer user does not need any special application version to access the service from the server. Cloud computing provide application that are managed and executed by client browser without need of any client version of application to be installed this make cloud computing interoperable. Means that you can access multiple provider service on same browser without caring about on which platform server is running. Application hosted on cloud also referred as a term “Soft-as-a-Service”(SaaS) or "Platform-as-a-Service".  

Now, Who is able to access the cloud service?

Any computing device which is connected with internet is able to access application and files in cloud computing  environment. All the device have same pool of power to access whether it is your laptop or your smart phone. Users can store his files on the cloud and access them any where in over the glob there is just need of a internet connection no need to carry DVD, pen drive like storage device. User can also watch movies online, listen songs and play games without downloading to his device. In cloud computing data is centrally stored to a server.

Example of cloud :

Desktop application which connects to email server like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail are also known as cloud application. It provide email service to users.
Some of cloud computing companies
  • ·         Google
  • ·         Microsoft Azure
  • ·         Amazon
  • ·         Rackspace Cloud
  • ·         Elastic Hosts
  • ·         Skytap
And many more.

Any question or suggestion is there please reply.

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